„While it is certainly a long way from New Zealand, the quality of the speakers, the content of their presentations, the organisation by IAKS and the sheer scale of the FSB made the trip extremely worthwhile and has given us much to ponder and consider going forward.“
(Julian Todd, Sport New Zealand about the IAKS Congress)
We would like to top this enthusiasm this year. From 24 to 27 October 2023, you can expect an extremely attractive programme that offers optimal conditions for knowledge exchange and networking.

photo credit: Koelnmesse Uwe Weiser
At the 28th IAKS Congress, find out about innovative concepts and practical examples of how sports and leisure facilities can build resilient communities. Exchange ideas with international experts. Which current approaches to sustainable planning, low energy operation, accessibility and inclusion are having an impact?
Meet your business partners on site in Cologne, because the trade fair duo FSB and aquanale with its packed supporting programme is the must-attend event for all decision-makers from sports and leisure facilities.
By invitation, around 100 architects, operators and suppliers will also meet in their respective IAKS expert circles for an international professional exchange.
photo credit: Koelnmesse Uwe Weiser
Refresh your contacts with IAKS members or establish new relationships. There will be an opportunity to do so at the IAKS General Meeting on 25 October 2023 - and of course at any time at the IAKS Stand B001 in front of Hall 8. This meeting place is particularly popular from Tuesday to Thursday from 5 p.m. onwards, when IAKS members and friends get together for a convivial "Happy Hour".
After the fair, would you like to continue the interesting conversations? Come to the ceremony of the IOC IPC IAKS Architecture Prize. Meet visionary architects and planners as well as renowned personalities from the industry, politics, sports and society at the Gala Dinner on 24 October 2023. Or at the Nations' Night, which will take place on 25 October in the evening from 7 p.m. in a typical Cologne brewery.
What are you waiting for? You must not miss this wealth of opportunities for international exchange!