The recording of the artificial turf webinar hosted by IAKS Nordic is now available. On 12th of January, experts from the field of artificial turf in the Nordic countries talked about latest innovations, procurement challenges and solutions, scientific sustainability, user involvement, and test-fields as a necessity. Almost a hundred participants joined the webinar which ended in a great line-up with dedicated questions, comments, and discussion points.
You can find the entire recording of the webinar on IAKS Nordic's YouTube channel.
Expert line-up:
- Pernilla Holgersson: Coordinator, Customer Group Artificial Turf (BeKoGr), Sweden
- Maria Losman: Expert in environmental and circular requirements in public procurement, Ecoplan in Medio
- Peter Bengtsson: Facility Manager, sports and leisure department, Växjö Municipality
- Tomas Rydberg: Expert in LCA and Assistant Director, IVL (Swedish Environmental Research Institute)
- Bjørn Aas: KG2021, Senior Engineer, Centre for Sports Facilities & Technology, NTNU
- Roger Nilsen: Teie Idrettsforening (Teie Sports Club, Norway)
- Holger Kortbek: Member of the Management Committee of IAKS International, Head Manager of Sports Facilities, Gladsaxe Municipality, Denmark

The webinar was hosted by IAKS Nordic, BeKoGr (Sweden), KG2021 (Norway) and the Danish Foundation for Culture & Sports Facilities
Find out about the speaker's key points
Go to IAKS Nordic website