Presentations and discussion with the panellists
Oct 26, 2023 from 13:30 – 15:00
28th IAKS Congress in Cologne, Germany
The conversation about gender equity is not new, and yet the challenges persist and, in some ways, have been exacerbated by the pandemic. Parks and recreation organizations are taking this issue through programming, partnerships, and awareness campaigns. But what are the barriers within the physical environment? And what strategies can be used to overcome them?
The inclusive design outdoor project “Troldhedestien” will be presented as an example on how The Danish Foundation for Culture and Sports Facilities has worked with involving vulnerable groups aiming to sink the barriers of participation in outdoor activities.
Making the design process more accessible to people and inviting more voices to the table shall shape better human connections and help answer the complex and interdependent problems that communities are facing.
„No time like the present“ according to Mary Chow, HDR Architecture Associates, Canada. She will share her ideas on „Optimizing recreation facilities for gender equity“. Jens Øyås Møller, LOA Fonden from Denmark will give an insight on „Consultation and participation process: The Danish experience“, while Darryl Condon, HCMA Architecture + Design will talk about the Canadian approach with his presentation „Universal design and its impact on the business case“.
The session will be moderated by Gar Holohan, Founder and Chairman of Aura Holohan Group from Ireland.
See speaker line-up
See programme agenda

Gar Holohan, Mary Chow, Darryl Condon, Jens Oyas Moller (clockwise, starting top left)
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