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Diverse and successful activity areas on the agenda on 8 November

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Insights in “The planning of skate parks between subculture and the Olympics” will be given by Landskate Partner Veith Kilberth from Germany. The fact that skateboarding will be included as an official discipline in the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo increases tensions within the culture, as skateboarding finds itself at the intersection between subcultural youth sports and the process of sportization. Veith will be presenting a new approach on how to navigate this new reality of skatepark planning. He will offer a new approach that tackles the two main factors of success on how to (1) design skateparks so that spaces resonate deeply with users and (2) ensure that the design will be able to withstand the test of time over the long run.

Learn more about the “Skills Park Winterthur”: the urban activity area for the youth and for the young at heart in Switzerland. Skills Park, Founder/owner Roger Rinderknecht and his Technical Director Robin Schneider will explain its programming, designing and operating.

HCMA Managing Principal Darryl Condon’s presentation is dedicated to “Activating underutilized urban spaces”. How to influence health through public space provision?

According to CONVIC Partner Bryce Hinton from Australia, city planners, designers and decision makers realise the important role that public open space has within our urban realm and the positive benefits that these spaces can have on our mental and physical health. Public open space becomes the life blood to a living city.

The session will be moderated by Henrik H. Brandt, Consultant in sports and leisure at from Denmark.

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Tickets starting at 60 Euro

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